For sagging breasts, do doctors perform a mastopexy first or go straight to implants?

Doctor's Answers 1

Photo of Dr Terence Goh
Dr Terence Goh

Plastic Surgeon

Most of the time you can go straight to the implants.

The idea behind this is that you’re using the implant to take up the slack of the skin. So you imagine if you have a plastic bag and a larger one. If you want to fill up the whole bag then you’ll definitely need a larger implant.

That’s one condition, whether you want larger breasts. If you don’t, then maybe we need to reduce the size of the bag which means that we need to do some surgery to remove some skin or reshape the breast so that the bag is smaller.

The answer is that you can go straight to the implants -- you can put a larger implant, or you can do the mastopexy and the implant in the same setting. It really depends on how bad the sagging is.

Of course in extreme cases you may need to stage the procedure -- you may want to remove the skin, reshape the breast first and then put the implant in. But most of the time it can be done in one session.

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Photo of Dr Christopher Ng

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Yes. We definitely have seen that happen. Sometimes people lose a lot of teeth because they have gum disease. Let’s say you get 8 teeth extracted at one time, then you have to put in implants. The thing about having multiple teeth is that if they are in a gap, you do not have to replace every single tooth lost with a dental implant. Sometimes we can have dental implant bridges, so say you lost like 8 teeth, you can actually have 5 posts. So 8 teeth hanging on the 5 posts. Those are called dental implant bridges.

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