Is the growth of adult teeth affected if a child’s first set of teeth is crooked?

Doctor's Answers 2

Yes, because the baby teeth essentially allow you to chew and eat. It works as what we call a "space maintainer" for adult teeth. If your baby teeth have been crooked and are taking up more space than the amount of space in your jaw, chances are when your adult teeth grow out, it will be crooked as well. But that being said, just because your baby teeth are very nice and aligned does not mean that your adult teeth will be perfect. It depends on the size of the teeth that will eventually erupt as well as the amount of jaw space the child has.

Generally, if the child has crowding, there is a high chance the adult teeth will be crowded as well. So if we see lots of spaces in baby teeth or the child has very crowded teeth, the chances of them putting braces on are higher. There is actually a calculation we can do when the child has both adult and baby teeth around probably 8 to 10 years old. This calculation, done through x-rays, predicts the size of adult teeth and gives an idea of how crowded the teeth are.

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