What are the possible causes of stomach bloatedness, with bowel movement once every 7 days?

Doctor's Answers 1

Photo of Dr Wai Leong Quan
Dr Wai Leong Quan


The bloating in the above situation is highly likely related to the infrequent bowel movement. Bowel movement once in 7 days is unhealthy and risking bowel obstruction. In the long run, even permanent bowel dilation can occur.

If the above situation is recent in onset, you may consider trying over-the-counter laxative or getting help from your family doctor to clear your bowel. Taking move fluid and fiber together with regular exercises may help. Do inform your doctor if you are experiencing other symptoms or if you are taking any health supplements, especially calcium and iron.

In a chronic situation, regular medicine may be required to ensure smooth and regular bowel movement. Some patients require further investigations to ensure the cause of chronic constipation is not related to any hormonal upset or a structural issue in their intestines.

  • Dr Quan

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