How many dental implants you can get within a day?

Doctor's Answers 1

I've done 8 on top and below and that will be enough to support a full set of teeth on the upper jaw and lower jaw.

I wouldn't go more than 8 implants on top or below.

Sometimes, based on the case, you can even get away with 4 implants or maybe even 2 implants on the bottom.

A lot of factors come into play as well and one of the important factors is the patient's:

  • Budget
  • Health
  • State of remaining bone
  • Whether or not the patient is willing to go through extensive bone grafts

There are some many factors that we need to discuss with the patient that could influence the number of implants to place, but in an ideal situation, where budget is not an issue and when there are enough gum and bone and no need for bone grafts, we can maybe even put up to 8 implants on top and below for maximum support.

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How do I know when I need dental implants?

I do a lot of root canal treatment and to make a natural tooth look good, especially your front tooth, is quite easy. To make a front implant look good is extremely difficult. You’ll need multiple surgeries, not only to place the implants but also to graft the gums and all that. If the patient is quite young, meaning in their 20s or 30s, our skeleton keeps growing so the rest of the teeth will keep moving down but the implant doesn’t move. So when you hit your 50s you’ll have this cosmetic problem that’s very difficult to fix.

Photo of Dr Jaclyn Toh

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Dr Jaclyn Toh


Is taking oral bisphosphonates for more than 5 years an absolute contraindication to getting dental implants?

This is actually quite controversial. I think what you’re asking is if someone has osteoporosis and is taking the drug -- oral bisphosphonates are the drugs that actually prevent the bone from turning over. If you've been taking oral bisphosphonates for more than 5 years - I wouldn’t say it’s an absolute contraindication. There are some studies that actually show that if you stop it for a certain amount of time, the blood supply can actually return. But the thing is that no one actually knows, and if you look at the research no one actually knows how well it stops it.

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