What is the expected downtime of submental fat liposuction?

Doctor's Answers 1

Photo of Dr Terence Goh
Dr Terence Goh

Plastic Surgeon

Submental fat liposuction or chin liposuction is a popular procedure that can be done under local anaesthesia to remove the fat from the chin area to give a more contoured defined look.

Even for patients who are naturally slim or work hard at the gym, fat under the chin can be stubborn to diet and exercise - which is why even fit people can have a double chin. Chin Lipo can be combined with a chin implant to give a more defined jawline.

Whilst Chin Lipo is the quickest way to get rid of a double chin, it is not for everyone. The ideal candidate should have enough elasticity so that the skin can heal without excess loose skin. Pre-operative assessment, patient selection and meticulous technique is key to getting a good result.

The actual procedure is relatively pain-free, can be rather quick (as short as 20-30 minutes) and it can be done as a day procedure under local anaesthesia. Small stab incisions are made under the chin and occasionally behind the ear lobes. Through these incisions, a slim tube (cannula) is used to break up and remove the fat, hence enabling the surgeon to remove the extra fat, removing the double chin and reshaping the neck.

There should not be much pain after the procedure and it is easily controlled with oral painkillers. The pain is usually mild and should go away in 3-5 days. The swelling will usually be worse on day 2-3 before it starts to subside. Most of the swelling will resolve by the end of 1 week. Patients have varying degrees of swelling but most patients are back to work after 3-5 days. You will be fitted with a chin compression garment once the procedure is done. This is to be worn continuously for the first week and then nightly for 1-2 weeks. Whilst you should be back to work within 3-5 days, it would be prudent not to schedule any major events for the 1-2 weeks after the procedure.

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How safe is liposuction in Singapore?

In Singapore, liposuction is a special service that is regulated by the Ministry of Health. This was done to improve the safety of the procedure. This means that patients cannot be rushed into the surgery (they have to wait 1 week between consultation and surgery), and only doctors with the required training are accredited to do it. The procedure must be carried out in an approved facility with adequate emergency facilities. The safety has also been improved by anaesthetic guidelines that mean only qualified anaesthetic doctors can give deep sedation.

Photo of Dr Christopher Chui

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Dr Christopher Chui

Plastic Surgeon

How much fat can liposuction remove, and how does this translate to weight loss?

I actually advise my patients against liposuction for the purpose of weight loss. I believe dietary and lifestyle modifications will give you more joy in the long term. Addressing this usually takes up a lot of time in the consultation but I find it worth the while. Large volumes can be removed safely with the right preparation and medical care during and after the surgery, but as a guide liposuctioning more than 2 litres of supernatant fat requires a stay in hospital. Hope this is useful.

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