How can I fix my crooked upper teeth in the shortest time possible, and are there any disadvantages to opting for the fastest treatment available? (photo)

Doctor's Answers 1

There are 2 ways to align crooked teeth.

1) Orthodontically.

The teeth are moved into the correct place using braces or aligners (such as Invisalign). This is the least minimally invasive option.

Depending on the case, sometimes cosmetic alignment of only the front teeth may be done to keep treatment time short. However, this may sometimes look strange if the rest of the teeth are not very well aligned.

2) Prosthetically.

This is the fastest method to align teeth, and can be accomplished within a matter of weeks.

The teeth are shaved down to accomodate veneers or crowns in the current positions. This is an irreversible procedure and there may be issues with the final proportions of the teeth (since the spacing issues would not be corrected. For example, the upper right lateral incisor would appear narrower in relation to the one on the left).

When teeth are misaligned, the root angulation and gumline will also be irregular. This cannot be fixed using veneers alone.

Veneers and crowns can also chip or break. This means that you will need the veneer or crown redone. Each time this is done, there will be less tooth structure remaining at the end which reduces the lifespan of the tooth. This may mean losing the tooth prematurely.

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Thank you for your question. To correct what is commonly termed as an "overbite", the increased distance between the upper front teeth and lower front teeth, space is needed to bring the upper teeth inwards. Interproximal reduction is a procedure where small spaces are created by shaving the sides of your teeth to create space. This is safe procedure as only a small amount of shaving is done and there is no evidence that there would be any detrimental effects to the teeth after it has been done. However because only a small amount can be shaved,this also means that the space created is small.

Photo of Dr Priscilla Lu

Answered By

Dr Priscilla Lu


What are the treatment options for tendinitis besides anti-inflammatory pills?

Tendinopathy can be challenging to treat but the mainstay of treatment remains rehabilitation with physiotherapists and load management. In situations where this is not helping, then you might be offered Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) to help stimulate the tendon to heal itself, or in situations where tearing is noted within the substance, a Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection could be considered. Other injection treatments include prolotherapy or high volume tendon stripping. However, all injections, care must be taken to offload the tendon afterward.

Photo of Dr Dinesh Sirisena

Answered By

Dr Dinesh Sirisena

Sport Medicine

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