8 Questions answered

When is screening for iron deficiency important?

Screening is important if you have a history of iron deficiency or ever been told that you have a low level of haemoglobin, i. e anaemia. More importantly, you should get tested if you think you are at risk of developing iron deficiency, which includes: women with heavy periods, vegetarians or those who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease as this would impair iron absorption from your diet.

Photo of Dr Dheeraj  Khiatani

Answered By

Dr Dheeraj Khiatani

General Practitioner

Why are women more prone to iron deficiency?

Women are more prone to iron deficiencies for 2 main reasons: Monthly menstrual periods Women with (heavy) menses are more prone to developing iron deficiency. Every 1mL of blood contains 0. 5mg iron; any woman with heavy menses can experience volumes exceeding 80mL per month, which equates to ~500mg iron (or more) per year. This is comparable to the blood loss from undergoing major surgery every year. It is really difficult/near impossible to absorb this amount of iron from our diet to replace this, hence, women are more likely to be deficient.

Photo of Dr Dheeraj  Khiatani

Answered By

Dr Dheeraj Khiatani

General Practitioner

What are some signs of iron deficiency in children?

Iron deficiency is vital for your child’s growth and development and iron deficiency can affect health and even lead to anaemia. Iron deficiency during pregnancy gives rise to increased negative perinatal outcomes, including premature labour and low birth weight. In turn, these increase the likelihood of the child developing iron deficiency. The signs of iron deficiency in children are largely similar to that in adults but may be more non-specific. Signs include pale skin, poor appetite, slowed growth and development.

Photo of Dr Dheeraj  Khiatani

Answered By

Dr Dheeraj Khiatani

General Practitioner

Are there any side-effects from taking iron supplements?

Iron is safe for consumption as it is a nutrient that is already present in us. Iron is found in the haemoglobin of red blood cells and is required for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide. When taken by mouth in appropriate amounts, it is mostly safe but can however cause side effects. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances like nausea and constipation. There are many forms of iron supplements and different forms affect different patients differently.

Photo of Dr Dheeraj  Khiatani

Answered By

Dr Dheeraj Khiatani

General Practitioner

What are signs of hypokalaemia, and what should I take in my diet to treat it?

The normal range for potassium in the blood is approximately 3. 5 to 5. 2 mmol/L, though these values can vary slightly between different laboratories and countries. Hypokalaemia or low levels of potassium can occur for many reasons. Commonly, this occurs due to losses from the gastrointestinal tract due to diarrhoea, vomiting or laxative use. Certain medications such as insulin which pushes potassium into cells or diuretics which increase losses through urination could also contribute.

Photo of Dr Dheeraj  Khiatani

Answered By

Dr Dheeraj Khiatani

General Practitioner

How does good cholesterol differ from bad cholesterol, in terms of the effects it has on the body?

I’m sure you have heard of good and bad cholesterol, but did you ever wonder why that is? ⁣⁣ Here’s why: Cholesterol travels through your blood on proteins called “lipoproteins”. There are 2 such proteins in your body- LDL and HDL. LDL (low-density lipoproteins), sometimes called “bad” cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol raise your risk for heart disease and stroke HDL (high-density lipoproteins), otherwise known as “good” cholesterol can instead lower these risks.

Photo of Dr Dheeraj  Khiatani

Answered By

Dr Dheeraj Khiatani

General Practitioner

How does Vitamin B complex supplements help with anemia and fatigue?

Fatigue can be described as having difficulty in initiating or maintaining activity. It is also associated with difficulty in concentration, memory and emotional stability. The term fatigue is a common presenting symptom which negatively impacts work, performance, family and social relationships. There are many causes of fatigue which include underlying chronic medical including: anaemia psychological conditions as well as nutritional deficiencies.

Photo of Dr Dheeraj  Khiatani

Answered By

Dr Dheeraj Khiatani

General Practitioner

How does going on a plant-based diet affect fatigue levels?

Fatigue can be described as having difficulty in initiating or maintaining activity. It is also associated with difficulty in concentration, memory and emotional stability. It is a common problem which negatively impacts work, performance, family and even social relationships. There are many causes for fatigue including underlying chronic medical conditions such as thyroid disease, psychological conditions as well as nutritional deficiencies.

Photo of Dr Dheeraj  Khiatani

Answered By

Dr Dheeraj Khiatani

General Practitioner


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* This profile has been last updated on March 5, 2020.