2 Questions answered

Why do I get breathing difficulties after drinking wine or alcohol?

There are several possibilities. Allergies may cause these symptoms and are usually accompanied by rashes, swelling of the eyes or lips or face. Other possibilities also include acid reflux which can cause a sensation of breathlessness, accompanied by burping and heartburn. More importantly would be to exclude bronchial asthma which may be exacerbated by drinking alcohol as this may result in bronchospasm with accompanying dyspnea, cough and wheeze. You would see a pulmonologist to exclude this issue.

Photo of Dr Huck Chin Chew

Answered By

Dr Huck Chin Chew

Lung Doctor

What are the signs of mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the lining of the lung called the pleura. The usual risk factor includes exposure to asbestos. Because of this, the timeline for development of this cancer from time of exposure is usually very long( usually in terms of decades after). Typical symptoms include dyspnea , cough that fails to resolve, chest pain and weight loss.

Photo of Dr Huck Chin Chew

Answered By

Dr Huck Chin Chew

Lung Doctor


38 Irrawaddy Road Mt E Novena Specialist Centre #04 - 33 Singapore 329563

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* This profile has been last updated on September 23, 2019.