2 Questions answered

What are the prostate tests available in Singapore?

When you visit a Urologist for urinary or prostate-related issues, a comprehensive evaluation starts with a detailed history taking prior to any invasive or uncomfortable investigations. This will include questions about urinary symptoms and risk factors for prostate disease. Your doctor will then examine you, including doing a digital rectal examination (DRE). A gloved, lubricated finger will be inserted into the rectum to feel for any abnormalities in the consistency or shape of the prostate.

Photo of Dr Fang Jann Lee

Answered By

Dr Fang Jann Lee


How does haemodialysis work?

Patients whose kidneys have failed completely (end-stage renal disease) require some form of therapy to replace the function of their kidneys in order to sustain life. Haemodialysis is one of three forms of renal replacement therapy, with the other 2 being peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation. About haemodialysis In haemodialysis, a machine moves your blood through a filter which helps to remove toxic wastes before returning the blood to you.

Photo of Dr Fang Jann Lee

Answered By

Dr Fang Jann Lee



12 Farrer Park Station Road #05-01 Singapore 217565

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* This profile has been last updated on August 7, 2020.