Am I more at risk of blood clots if I have a broken fifth metatarsal fracture and go on a long-haul flight?

Doctor's Answer

Sorry to hear about your foot. Yes, long haul flights and bone fractures are both risk factors for blood clots, amongst other factors.

You should take the necessary precautions against developing clots if you do decide to travel. Overall however, the likelihood of developing a clot, in the absence of any other significant risk factors is likely to be low.

Having said that, you should definitely direct this line of questioning to the doctor looking after you, especially with regards to healing and weight bearing.

As a young and fit individual, recovery and healing in general is definitely quicker, and having a well balanced diet does help.

You should also consider some form of physio to help with the recovery process. This helps to maintain flexibility of your foot, decrease the amount of swelling, and stimulate tissue healing.

Again, go with the tailored advise of your doctor where exercise is concerned. As a general rule of thumb, patients with 5th metatarsal injuries can start with simple exercises on a bike or at the swimming pool by 4 weeks. You should consider this, but do monitor for discomfort or further swelling. Full activities can typically be resumed by 8 – 10 weeks.


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