Are there any lifestyle or diet choices that can help to shrink fibroids?

Doctor's Answer

There is curently no conclusive scientific evidence of any links between diet, and shrinking fibroids.

There is also no scientific evidence that avoiding certain foods prevents the recurrence of fibroids.

Having said that, there are ongoing studies looking into diet and lifestyle as contributory factors for fibroids.

Of note, the exact cause of fibroids is unknown till date. However, there is:

  • A genetic element – you are more likely to develop them if someone else in your family had it.
  • An association with higher levels of oestrogen (a female hormone).


There has been no evidence which directly links diet to fibroids.

Some associations between the two have been noted however, including:

  • Eating lots of green vegetables and fruits, and having a lower incidence of fibroids
  • A higher risk of fibroids in those with increased alcohol consumption
  • A higher risk of fibroids in those who eat more red meat

There is also some evidence that shows an association between increased caffeine intake, and fibroids.


  • Obesity increases the incidence of fibroids, as being overweight increases the level of oestrogen in the body
  • Women who’ve had children have a lower risk of developing fibroids, and the risk decreases further the more children you have

Other known risk factors for fibroids include:

  • An early onset of menstruation
  • Use of birth control

I’d suggest speaking to your doctor to understand more about management options for fibroids, of which there are many effective treatments, if necessary.

The good news is that fibroids are almost always harmless, especially when monitored and managed like a specialist, like in your case.

Also, fibroids will often shrink and disappear without any treatment by themselves, particularly after menopause.


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