Are there any lifestyle or diet choices that can help to shrink fibroids?

Doctor's Answer


Despite what we may read online regarding foods which may promote or reduce fibroid growth, in reality, diet makes little difference in changing the size of fibroids.

Fibroid growth may vary significantly among different women and some women may be a lot more prone to fibroids than others, usually due to a combination of genetics and inherent factors in the fibroid itself.

The vast majority of fibroids are benign, but infrequently, a fast growing “fibroid” may turn out to be malignant or cancerous. They tend to grow most rapidly in the reproductive age years , and in the 30s and 40s. They tend to shrink after the menopause.

If large, and giving you symptoms like heavy bleeding or pressure symptoms, you might be advised for surgery. Surgical removal allows the confirmation that it is benign and not cancerous.

There is also a drug called Esmya available which will shrink fibroids to some degree, but this needs to be taken over at least a year.

If fibroids are small and not increasing in size, it is reasonable to just monitor them without doing any intervention.

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