What is the best way to clean dentures?

Doctor's Answer

Plastic or metal based dentures should be brushed at least twice daily with soap and water. All surfaces of the denture (the outer part as well as the fitting surface in contact with teeth and gums) should be cleaned regularly.

Regular cleaning reduces microbes growing on the denture which can contribute to denture stomatitis (a type of oral thrush infection) or angular cheillitis (cracks/fissuring at the corners of the mouth).

Toothpaste has abrasives that will scratch the plastic and make the denture accumulate debris/stain more easily.

For deeper cleaning, a once weekly soak in dilute bleach solution is ideal for all-plastic dentures.

If your denture has a metal base, then commercial denture cleaning tablets should be used instead of bleach which will corrode the metal.

Tartar (creamy yellow hard deposits that cannot be brushed off) can be removed by soaking the denture in a dilute vinegar solution and then brushing.

See your dentist regularly so that the fit of the denture can be inspected. Dentures need to be adjusted or relined every few years to ensure proper fit, comfort and hygiene.

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