What can I do to make a bruise fade faster?

Doctor's Answer

Bruising is a normal response to an injury e.g after blood taking. Tiny blood vessels beneath the skin can be damaged by even a small impact, blood leaks out and is trapped beneath the skin.

This trapped blood is eventually reabsorbed by the body as the injury heals. In the meantime, it can leave a bluish, or purple patch that is tender to the touch. As a bruise resolves, it changes colour from dark purplish to yellow-brown.

Most importantly is to avoid further injury to the area and to allow the bruise to clear on its own over the next few weeks. However, the following strategies may be tried to help the bruise clear faster:

1. R.I.C.E.

R.I.C.E. stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Many people who have had surgery or have sprains or strains employ this strategy to aid recovery, but it has benefits for bruising as well.

These actions aim to temporarily reduce blood flow to the injured area, which can help prevent some swelling and bruising.

Elevating and resting the area, as well as applying ice for up to 20 minutes per hour and using a light compression bandage, can help decrease the blood flow and inflammation that contribute to bruising.

Employ R.I.C.E. as soon as possible after an injury for the best benefit.

2. Vitamin K cream

3. Hirudoid cream

It is absorbed into the skin and works by dissolving small blood clots.

Hope your bruise clears soon!

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