Can anxiety be permanently cured?

Doctor's Answer

We can start by discussing the contributing factors to anxiety.

First, there could be some underlying brain chemistry or chemical imbalance in the brain, predisposing the individual to develop an anxiety disorder.

Second, we also need to look at the personality make up of the individual. Of importance are his or her coping strategies when under stressful situations, outlook in life. Does he or she have a wide repertoire of coping strategies?

Third, the external events, the stressors that would cause a person to feel overwhelmed and to develop an anxiety disorder. What I do notice is that there are different stresses that make a person anxious across the lifespan. For example, teenagers tend to be stressed by exams and relationship. Meanwhile, people in their 30s by work and marriage. The older people tend to worry about their health and family issues.

So it seems like there is an endless list of stresses that can make a person go on to have an anxiety disorder. In order to achieve a cure, we need to get the person to be able to appraise the stressor properly (without magnifying the threat) and to be confident in his or her ability to deal with the challenges in life. This can be achieved by using a combination of medications and months of therapy.

So if you have an anxiety disorder, it is important to have this discussion with your psychiatrist: what are the contributing factors to my anxiety disorder? How can I modify them so as to prevent future episodes and achieve a cure?

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