Can braces fix an underbite?

Doctor's Answer

Sorry to hear that you are in discomfort. I will need to know more about your jaw pain to diagnose the cause of the pain. Having an underbite does not cause the jaw to be painful, unless there is another issue such as bruxism (grinding as night) where some patients wake up with aches in their cheeks and muscles of the jaw.

Another possible cause of jaw pain is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), which occurs when there are problems associated with the joints at each side of your jaw (connecting the jaw to the skull).

Braces are able to treat underbites, however it would depend on the severity of the underbite. Again, we would need to assess if the underbite is more dental/tooth in nature, or a more severe skeletal/bone problem. Braces treatment alone will be able to treat the mild to moderate cases of underbites. For the more severe cases, jaw surgery may be required to correct the underlying imbalance of the jaws.

I would advise you resolve the jaw pain first, visit your dentist or an oral maxillofacial surgeon, who can diagnose the root cause of the pain. It would be best to start braces only after the jaw pain has resolved.

Hope this helps, all the best.

Kind regards,
Dr Geraldine Lee

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