Can I have LASIK surgery if I had strabismus surgery at a young age and have high astigmatism?

Doctor's Answer

Hi, whether you will get a good result from LASIK surgery depends on many things, such as the result from your previous strabismus surgery, the type of strabismus, your best possible vision and the presence or absence of amblyopia/lazy eye, and how high your astigmatism is.

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In a best case scenario, for example, if the strabismus surgery was successful and the eyes are straight, with no amblyopia, and the astigmatism is within treatable limits, it would be good to try wearing a pair of contact lenses as a simulation for the effect of LASIK. If vision is good with the contact lenses and there is no obvious squint with the lenses, then LASIK could be considered as a way to reduce the need for spectacles and contact lenses.

Sometimes, if the strabismus becomes apparent with contact lenses, then it would be better not to have the LASIK.

As you can see, it depends. If you are keen to know more about your suitability for LASIK, it would be good to have a comprehensive eye assessment with an eye surgeon who performs refractive surgery.

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