Can ptosis be corrected without creating a double eyelid?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Samuel Ho
Dr Samuel Ho

Plastic Surgeon

Yes, it can, that is my straight answer. Because we can create a hidden fold, now, the tricky part is "can ptosis be corrected without creating a cut or scar?" Yes, it can, but that is really for mild ptosis, where we correct with a procedure that does not involve making a cut on the skin. But for mild ptosis, unfortunately, it might not be insurance or Medisave claimable, but it can be corrected.

Personally, I do not like doing the non-incisional/cut version of ptosis correction simply because it is less certain, where we do not see a direct pair or shortening of the muscles, so if you are less sure how well corrected ptosis is, therefore we only reserve this procedure for very mild ptosis. Yes, we can create a hidden fold, typically, it is a gentleman that ask me for no double eyelid, and it can be done, we can create a hidden fold so there will be no double eyelid crease.

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