What could cause a urine leakage sensation?

Doctor's Answer

A sensation of urine leakage sometimes may not mean urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is the inability to control your urination. It can be stress incontinence, where urine leaks when he/she stands up from a sitting position, when he/she coughs or sneezes or when he/she exerts himself/herself. Urge incontinence occurs when there is a need to pass urine and he/she is unable to hold the bladder and the urine leaks out.

This urine leakage sensation could be post-micturition dribble which is seen in men. The last few drops of urine are still present in the urethra (urine tube) of the man and after wearing his clothing, the few drops leak out. This is not incontinence.

As the urethra in a man is in the shape of a J, the last few drops of urine can sometimes be trapped in the curve of the "J". And after putting on his underwear and his clothing, these drops can flow out and stain the underwear. The way to deal with this would be to do a perineal massage before pulling up the underwear so that the last few drops of urine are "milked out" of the urethra.

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