I have cellulitis at my eyelid area but I am not responding to the oral antibiotics prescribed to me. What should I do?

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for the question.

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin. The skin is usually red, swollen, inflamed and tender. It can occur on any part of the skin, including the eyelid area.

The treatment for cellulitis is the prescription of antibiotics. Oral antibiotics are often prescribed to treat the infection.

There are some reasons why oral antibiotics may fail.

1. The bacteria may not be sensitive to the antibiotic prescribed. This may warrant a switch or addition of another antibiotic.

2. The dose of the antibiotic is inadequate. In some cases of severe infection, intravenous antibiotics may be necessary.

3. There may be an underlying abscess or collection of pus and this will need to be drained before the infection will settle.

4. The diagnosis is wrong and it may be other causes of skin inflammation.

If the infection is not responding to the treatment, it is best for you to see your doctor again for a reassessment and treatment.

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