How does corneal cross-linking reduce the chances of post-LASIK regression?

Doctor's Answer

The Lasik procedure removes tissue from the cornea. Thus, permanent changes are made to the eye. With that said, it is unlikely that the eye can revert back to its old state of dysfunction. However, that does not mean that your vision is able to change after the procedure.

Corneal cross-linking is a minimally invasive procedure. It treats various conditions such as progressive keratoconus as well as any other that cause the weakening of the cornea.

  • Collagen cross-linking forms covalent cross-bonds with adjacent keratin strands in the cornea. This acts to stabilise the shape of the cornea by increasing the number of "cross-beams". Therefore, with that said, it helps to reduce the chance of post-LASIK ectasia or change in cornea shape, especially after LASIK surgery.

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