How can I differentiate symptoms of eczema from the side effects of Betamethasone and Mometasone creams?

Doctor's Answer

Eczema is also known as dermatitis. This is due to inflammation of the skin.

Symptoms of eczema include skin dryness, redness and itch. In acute eczema, the skin can be oozy with blisters. The symptoms you have described are largely attributable to eczema.

Betamethasone and mometasone creams are both topical steroids. They are prescribed to treat eczema and to reduce the irritation, itch and redness due to the skin inflammation. It is very uncommon for topical steroids to cause blistering, itch and irritation.

Side effects of steroids include skin thinning and atrophy and the risk is higher when high potency steroids are used for a prolonged duration. However, folliculitis can be induced by application of steroids. Steroid-induced acne and pityrosporom folliculitis can be caused or triggered by topical steroid application.

If in doubt, do seek advice from your doctor or dermatologist.

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