Can I just add more turmeric to my meals to stop the pain?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Henry Chan
Dr Henry Chan

Orthopaedic Surgeon

Curcumin is the component of turmeric that has been found to reduce joint pain. Curcumin only makes up around 3% of turmeric used in cooking, meaning every 100mg used will only give you 3mg of curcumin. In contrast, curcumin supplements have curcumin that make up 95% of the dose, meaning you will get 95mg of curcumin for every 100mg of supplements taken. However, there may be unknown positive benefits for taking turmeric as a spice instead of just curcumin as a supplement.

If you just want to deal with joint pain, you might need more than just turmeric or curcumin to treat or manage it. However, if you do not want to take medication or wish for an alternative, then a curcumin supplement may deal with the pain more quickly.

There are other types of Turmeric, like Japanese White Turmeric, that doesn't contain a lot of Curcumin, but instead has labdane type diterpenes. There is researching showing these diterpenes also help in reducing joint pain. You will not get these diterpenes when you add turmeric to your food, so you'll have to take supplements.

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