Does hair pulling cause permanent hair loss, and how can I treat it?

Doctor's Answer

As you have correctly done, stopping the hair pulling is the first step in controlling the permanent follicle damage that can be caused by mechanical traction trauma. Do continue to be mindful to avoid pulling out more hair!

If there are areas of scalp that have gaps in hair growth, you may already have caused permanent hair follicle damage to those follicles. In other words, new hair growth from those areas may not be possible without a hair transplantation procedure.

A thorough examination of the affected areas of scalp, as well as the back of the head, will determine if you are a suitable candidate for a hair transplantation procedure. During this consultation, other options to aid with scalp coverage such as scalp micropigmentation will also be discussed. I hope this helps.

Warmest regards,

Dr Joshua Chong

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