Does Zerona Lipolaser kill fat cells, and are the results permanent?

Doctor's Answer

To answer your question, Zerona can give noticeable results almost immediately after treatment, but it doesn't cause permanent death of fat cells.

Other body contouring treatments like Cryolipolysis and Radio-frequency have more long-term research studies to show permanent fat removal.

For example, Cryolipolysis treatments have multiple research studies to prove 20-25% fat reduction in a single treatment session.

A few tips regarding non-surgical fat removal treatments:

1. Not every technology/treatment is suitable for everyone

Although Cryolipolysis (eg Coolsculpting, Clatuu, Z-Lipo) has the most research studies, not everyone sees similar results from this treatment. Some patients still see sub-optimal results.

This is because every patient's body shape and fat distribution is unique.

Cryolipolysis works best for patients who have easily pinchable fat.

2. Medical-grade fat removal may require several sessions

Beyond the marketing hype of "results in a single session", many patients still do require several repeat treatment sessions for the same area to achieve desired results.

3. Technology drives results - and so does experience

There are many clinics offering similar technology and services.

What makes the difference is the experience of the body contouring team in body assessment and performing the treatment.

With more skilled body assessment, treatments are more cost-effective and safer for you.

I use a wide mix of non-invasive fat reduction technologies at my practice including cryolipolysis and non-contact & contact radio-frequency because certain treatments might be more suitable than others for each patient.

Hope this helps!

Warmest regards,

Dr Justin Boey

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