How can exercise help with joint pains due to psoriatic arthritis?

Doctor's Answer

I’m sorry to hear about your symptoms/diagnosis. I imagine it can be quite frustrating. Firstly, it’s great to hear that you are on a disease modifying medication and hopefully this will control your symptoms/condition.

From an overall health perspective I would fully advocate exercise as it can help your arthritis as well as your overall well-being. Exercise will help limit weight gain. In doing so, it should limit the pressure on your joint and hopefully the arthritis symptoms that you are experiencing. Although it light not eliminate it altogether, you will all most certainly reap the benefits. Also, if you are able to exercise, it should limit the development of other medical conditions.

It would be great if you could begin with non-impact activities such as cycling, swimming and cross trainer. Start slow and build up as your fitness progresses. Equally, it would be good to add in a light strengthening and stretching program - this will hopefully help with stability around the joints, increase your exercise capacity and also limit stiffness developing in the joints.

Ideally, this should be done under the supervision of an exercise specialist or a trainer who is familiar with inflammatory arthritis.

I hope this helps.


Dr Dinesh

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