How can I avoid having to wear glasses after cataract surgery?

Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your question.

I'm assuming that you do not require reading spectacles at the moment, since you are still in your 30s and have had both cataract surgery / Lasik surgery in your 2 eyes respectively. You should still be able to accommodate and see near / intermediate with the post-Lasik eye.

If that is not the case, and you are experiencing early onset presbyopia (where the post-Lasik eye is having difficulty with accommodation), you should consult with your ophthalmologist who will discuss with you options including wearing monovision where the dominant eye is used for distance vision, and the non-dominant eye for near / intermediate tasks.

This may be achieved with contact lenses, or inducement of mild myopia using Lasik surgery in the non-dominant eye.

If you are asking this question for a future state where you may need to have surgery performed on the post-Lasik eye, then you have several options. The first is to place a similar monofocal lens but have the power adjusted to mild myopia that will allow good near / intermediate vision and acceptable distance vision (monovision).

Some patients have opted with a blended vision approach with their second eye, where they place a multifocal, trifocal or extended range of vision lens in the second eye to be operated on. This allows the second eye to give reasonable distance, near and intermediate vision.

It's best to discuss your options with your ophthalmologist!


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