How can I be certain that SMILE has good success rates as a newer procedure?

Doctor's Answer

SMILE is indeed a relatively new refractive surgical procedure, however all the current published and anecdotal evidence indicates that the results are comparable to other forms of refractive laser procedures (including Epilasik, Femto-assisted Lasik) for safety, predictability and stability at short-term, intermediate and long-term end-points (up to 5 years). This is a significant finding as SMILE was only introduced in 2011.

In fact, from a biomechanical perspective, some authors believe that the SMILE cap offers almost 7% improved biomechanical stability over the femto-Lasik cap. Side-effects of glare, haloes and dry eyes / corneal paresthesia post-operatively are also believed to be superior with SMILE.

You should have a frank and detailed discussion with your refractive surgeon about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of refractive surgery before committing yourself. Suffice to say that if your surgeon offers you both femto-Lasik and SMILE, you wouldn't be making a bad choice either way as both are excellent procedures with established results.

Best of luck!


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