How can I decide if TransPRK or LASIK is the best for me?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Tony  Ho
Dr Tony Ho


You should first consider if you are one of those who like to rub your eyes or who intend to do rugged contact sports. If yes, then TransPRK will be strongly recommended over LASIK as with TransPRK there is no cut flap and thus no fear of incurring flap dislodgment or dislocation injury.

This is why MMA enthusiasts and professionals alike seek TransPRK as their preferred procedure of choice.

Next you should consider your risk aversion towards developing dry eyes. Of the various modern laser vision correction procedures, LASIK has the highest risk of post-op dry eye complications that may in some cases become a chronic lifelong problem.

This is because in cutting the open cornea flap, LASIK cuts off the nerve endings of the thousands of nerves innervating the sensitive cornea.

With TransPRK, there is no cut nerve endings and minimal risk of dry eye complications. In my experience with thousands of patients, TransPRK patients do not have dry eye complaints two weeks after surgery.

Next you should consider your risk aversion towards developing a flap-related post-op complication. Despite the advances of modern LASIK, cornea flap related complications still remains the main cause of significant post-LASIK complications.

If you do active sports or lifestyle activities, the risk of sustaining a flap-related trauma or problem is naturally higher.

With TransPRK, there is zero risk of flap related complication as there is no simply no cut flap.

Finally you should consider your ability to take medical leave for four days after the procedure and to stay away from outdoor activities in the strong sunlight for at least six weeks. This is because TransPRK has the disadvantage of requiring a longer period of medical leave as compared to LASIK and you have to be careful to avoid exposure to UV rays for six weeks post-op.

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