How can I distinguish between alcohol allergy and alcohol intolerance?

Doctor's Answer

An alcohol allergy is a toxic reaction to alcohol, or ethanol more specifically. Allergies to alcohol are fairly uncommon but can be fatally serious. People with an alcohol allergy experience a reaction after as little as 1 millilitre of pure alcohol or a mouthful of wine or beer (about 10 millilitres). Other foods that may cause an alcohol allergy are: food marinades, tomato puree, overripe fruit that has fermented, cough syrup and mouthwash

Doctors are able to diagnose an allergy based on the production of antibodies. Antibodies known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) cause an allergic reaction in the body accompanied by common allergic reaction symptoms. Also, skin and blood tests are able to measure immune system responses to certain substances.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include:

Alcohol allergy vs intolerance

The primary difference between an alcohol allergy and an alcohol intolerance is the reaction each produces. Alcohol allergies are caused by the immune system and intolerance is a reaction from the digestive system. Usually, alcohol intolerance is a reaction to one of the ingredients in alcohol and not necessarily the ethanol itself.

Symptoms of alcohol intolerance include:

  • Red, flushed face
  • Hives
  • Headaches
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Low blood pressure
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Aggravation of asthma

People of Asian descent are more likely to experience the symptoms of alcohol intolerance due to a genetic variant resulting from the domestication of rice in southern China centuries ago. An enzyme known as aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) is responsible for turning ethanol into acetic acid (a primary compound in vinegar) within the liver. Those of Asian ancestry may have the less-active variant of ALDH2, making it more difficult for them to properly digest alcohol. b, as it is known, is a common cause of alcohol intolerance.

True alcohol allergy is rare, but the reactions can be severe. What most people believe to be alcohol allergy is actually alcohol intolerance. Some people are also allergic to other components of alcoholic drinks. For example, potential allergens in alcoholic drinks include: wheat, barley, rye, hops, yeast and grapes.

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