How can I get the best results after combined glaucoma and cataract treatment, and what is recovery like?

Doctor's Answer

The way to get the best results after any surgery, including combined glaucoma and cataract surgery, is to follow the instructions given by your doctor, use the prescribed eye drops, and go for the follow up appointments as arranged. Also, if the eye gets red or uncomfortable, or vision becomes very blurred after surgery, to go and see the doctor straight away.

Do observe the usual precautions after any eye surgery, including not rubbing or pressing on the eye, not splashing water in the eye, and using an eyeshield to cover the eye while sleeping for about a week. Specific instructions may differ slightly depending on the particular clinic/doctor.

Recovery is usually quite straightforward, and usually vision is quite good soon after surgery.

It is possible that in the early period, the eye pressure may fluctuate somewhat. There are now different kinds of operations to control the eye pressure, but if for example we talk about trabeculectomy, sometimes the doctor may need to do secondary procedures like cutting the flap stitch or doing a needling procedure if the aqueous fluid is not flowing well.

Do check with your doctor what exactly he/she will be doing, the specific post operative instructions, and also what possible secondary procedures might be necessary after the initial surgery.

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