How can I prevent oil bumps from appearing on my face?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Joanna Chan
Dr Joanna Chan

Aesthetic, General Practitioner

Firstly, you would need a doctor to accurately diagnose your condition, as quite a few pathologies can appear as tiny white oil bumps on the face. They could be closed comedones/macrocomedones (whiteheads), milia, syringomas, xanthelesmas, skin tags etc.

Comedones can be prevented through a good skincare regime with suitable gentle exfoliation and the use of topical vitamin A products such as treitinoin. Milia and skin tags can be reduced to a certain extent by avoiding friction. Xanthelesmas are associated with certain internal medical conditions such as high cholesterol levels.

While most of these are generally benign and harmless, they can be removed for cosmesis. A doctor experienced in laser treatments will generally be able to do so for you. This may cost $100-300 on average depending on the number of bumps removed. I strongly suggest that you do not attempt to remove them on your own, as this can cause unnecessary trauma to your skin and result in the formation of unsightly scars.

Best regards,

Dr. Joanna Chan

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