How can I treat floaters in my eyes?

Doctor's Answer

Floaters are generally benign, and a detailed examination by your ophthalmologist will help you exclude important causes of floaters that require your immediate attention including retinal tears, increased cellular activity (from infections or neoplasms) or other treatable causes.

Most benign floaters are caused by condensations of the vitreous jelly in the posterior section of the eye, and for most individuals are a minor annoyance.

There are new treatments that include an injection into the back of the eye (to dissolve the jelly), disruptive YAG laser to break up the vitreous jelly into smaller (and hence less noticeable floaters), and even surgery to remove the jelly contents in the posterior segment of the eye and replace it with a balanced isotonic solution.

Do consult your ophthalmologist to determine which are the most suitable options for you! Best of luck!


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