How can TCM help with persistent stomach discomfort and bloating for 2 months?

Doctor's Answer

Gastrointestinal disorders are common among the population. Possible reasons include food allergies, gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD), gastric ulcers, gastroparesis (food moving slower) irritable bowel, constipation etc.

In TCM, we seek to investigate and resolve the underlying factor resulting in your bloat so that you can feel well again. Contributing factors can be diet, stress, smoking, drinking, allergies etc.

A physical consultation is often necessary as a TCM physician will need to assess your signs & symptoms, tongue and pulse in order to make a diagnosis. Some commonly asked questions are:

"Can you point out the exact spot?"
"Is there excessive belching, heartburn, bitter taste in the mouth?"
"Does the bloat occur when hungry or after meal?"
"Is there a specific period of the day you feel more bloated?"
"Is it related to your menstrual period?"
When this portion is done, the physician will take your pulse and look at the tongue.

These information will be analysed for a syndrome diagnosis to be made.

Following which, a treatment plan can be formulated specifically for you. Treatment includes dietary and lifestyle modifications, herbal prescription and/or acupuncture.

In addition, relatively new cases usually respond better and faster to treatment.

I hope it helps you and may you feel better soon.

Warmest regards,
Phy Lee

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