How do I differentiate between allergic reactions to eyeliners and conjunctivitis as a result of using one?

Doctor's Answer

Conjunctivitis is a general term that refers to inflammation of the outer layer of the eye. So conjunctivitis can be due to allergies, or on the other hand caused by germs.


The difference between allergic and infectious conjunctivitis are:

Allergic Conjunctivitis:

  1. Allergic conjunctivitis/reactions are usually itchy and can be associated with swelling in the area exposed to the material the person is sensitive to
  2. Allergic conjunctivitis/reactions go away once the allergen (the substance causing the allergy) is removed-except for some cases of chronic allergies
  3. Allergic reactions can start relatively quickly, and also go away relatively quickly
  4. Allergic reactions can happen again and again, with repeated exposure to the allergen

Infectious Conjunctivitis:

  • Infectious conjunctivitis tends to cause more redness and discharge, which can lead to the eyelids being stuck together in the mornings
  • Infectious conjunctivitis tends to take longer to go away. Sometimes patients can take 2-3 weeks to fully recover
  • Infectious conjunctivitis tends not to recur so quickly
  • There is often a history of other people close to the person having red eyes, as conjunctivitis due to germs is often highly contagious

The above is not exhaustive, and if a red-eye problem is proving stubborn, uncomfortable, or associated with blurry vision, do visit your doctor for a thorough check-up and appropriate treatment.

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