How do I get rid of hypopigmentation after IPL treatment?

Doctor's Answer

It is truly unfortunate that you suffered the above. I couldn't agree more with Dr Chua, and while some loss of pigmentation can reverse over months to years, much of it can end up being permanent.

Other than what Dr Chua has mentioned, There are some lasers that promote repigmentation, but these are very rare in Singapore. Some patients resort to tattoo artists to blend the skin tones with skin coloured tattoos.

In any case, do see a doctor to determine if this is true loss of pigmentation, or if it is is the reverse - general lightening of the overall skin tone secondary to the IPL, with missed areas (Areas that were overlooked and not treated) that are now darker, thereby creating a picture of hypopigmented areas.

Hope this is of additional help.

Best regards,

Dr Shane Tan

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