How do I get rid of or lighten scratch marks on my arms? (photo)

Doctor's Answer

Im sorry about how you got those marks, but they can be lightened over time with some topics creams and non invasive treatments.

Q switched lasers, like the new picosecond laser which we use, are effective at breaking down the excessive pigment buildup left after an injury (known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation [PIH]). This can be combined with gentle chemical peels to speed up the process. This might typically take 4 to 5 session, with each session 2 to 4 weeks apart. The sessions of laser for that size of pigmentation can go for between 200-400, depending on the clinic and type of laser used.

You could, on top of that, use topical retins or bleaching creams to compliment the above procedures.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Dr Shane Abucewicz Tan

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