How do I treat and prevent adult acne if I have oily, combination skin? (photo)

Doctor's Answer

Adult acne is truly annoying and can be a challenging condition to treat, especially if you have combination or sensitive skin.

The appearance of acne during adulthood can be surprising, especially if you did not have acne in your younger days.

Skin conditions caused by overproduction of oil are usually associated with puberty, but doctors are finding that it is becoming increasingly common in adult women.

It was reported that an estimate 40% of women struggle with adult acne at one point in their lives.

What are the causes of Adult Acne?

There are various factors that contribute to adult acne, but whether it erupts in your teens or in your adult years, the definition is the same.

An acne is a localized inflammation resulting from the over activity of oil glands. Changes in hormones often affect oil glands, such as the end of a menstrual cycle, the onset of menopause, or discontinuing the intake of birth control pills.

An increase in stress levels can also cause breakouts because stress causes an increase in the cortisol hormone. The hormone androgen, a male hormone found both in men and women, can worsen acne because it stimulate oil glands and enhances pore blockage.

Some experience adult acne as a result of genetic disposition while others experience it as a side effect of medications.

What are the types of acne?

Types of Acne

Oil, dead skin cells, or bacteria can clog pores.

If the comedones are open, it is called a blackhead.

If it is closed, they are known as whiteheads.

Papules and pustules are the term for red bumps that are caused by inflammation in the hair follicles while nodules are the painful red bumps caused by the build up of oil secretions deep within hair follicles.

Acne filled with pus is known as a cyst and it usually can cause scarring.

How do I treat adult acne?

The good news is Adult Acne is treatable. There is a wide array of acne treatments in Singapore, including doctor-prescribed topical medications that can address the issue and oral medications for severe cases.

There are several other medications that will help your acne apart from topical antibiotics that you have already tried.

Topical medications include retinoids while oral medications include antibiotics, isotretinoin and anti-androgens such as contraceptive pills.

Other patients who prefer more natural routes try applying manuka honey, tea tree oil, and fruit acids as a gentler alternative.

More permanent treatments include Agnes selective sebaceous gland treatment which destroys selected oil glands that repeatedly cause acne.

How do I prevent adult acne?

Non-comedogenic skin care is also a key part of preventing new Adult acne. It is best to get advise from your aesthetic doctor/dermatologist on the most suitable skin care for your sensitive skin.

HydraFacial MD is a medical treatment facial that helps to deep cleanse and hydrate your skin to prevent new acne outbreaks. It is suitable for sensitive and combination skin types.

How do I find the best doctor for Adult Acne treatment in Singapore?

1.Experience with Acne and Acne scarring treatment

- Find a doctor who is passionate about acne treatment and is thorough in his consultation.

- Acne can be caused by many factors and it is important that your doctor takes a detailed history and examination to find the best treatment/s that are suitable for your oily/sensitive skin type.

2. Cost-Effective

Given that acne treatments are likely to take months and multiple medications/treatments for good recovery, seeking cost effective medical solutions is definitely a must.

Hope this helps!

Warmest regards,

Dr Justin Boey

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