How does a doctor diagnose whether a white patch on my penis is due to lichen sclerosus?

Doctor's Answer

Lichen sclerosus is a rare skin condition that usually shows up on your genital or anal areas. But it can also affect other parts of the body.

The condition mostly affects women after menopause. But men can get it, too.

The diagnosis can usually be made by doctor on visual inspection of the patch from the typical appearance of the condition. If there is any doubt, a skin biopsy can be done. This involves taking a small skin sample for examination under a microscope to confirm the diagnosis.

The significance of lichen sclerosus is that it can cause thickening and tightening of the foreskin. This can lead to difficulty passing urine and sometimes can affect erections. More importantly, this condition is associated with an increased risk of skin cancer, which can be reduced by active treatment.

Another condition that presents as a white patch on the penis is leukoplakia. This condition is painless, but can progress to cancer, and needs to be treated.

As both these diagnoses can lead to skin cancer, I would recommend that you have a urologist or dermatologist look at this patch soon.

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