How effective are face washes and face scrubs for acne? (photo)

Doctor's Answer

It seems like you are still having moderate Acne despite trying different facial products.

Face wash and scrubs are an essential part of Acne control. In particular, face wash and scrubs that contain AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) like Glycolic acid help to reduce acne and control oil production.

However, if you are still having acne despite trying several types of facial scrubs and washes, you might need medical treatments to achieve better control of your acne.

I suggest that you try benzoyl peroxide-based creams for your active acne and retinoid creams (eg Differin) for overall oil control. If these treatments are not sufficient to control your acne, you might need oral medications, chemical peels and Hydrafacial.

Most importantly, don't pick at your pimples so that you don't form scars! Hope that this helps!

Warmest regards,

Dr Justin Boey

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