How effective is Accutane for clogged pores that does not respond to topical treatments such as BHA/AHA?

Doctor's Answer


Comedones, commonly known as clogged pores, is a chronic relapsing problem due to increase sebum secretion and blockage at the pore opening. As such, a long-term safe strategy to reduce comedone formation is usually based on topicals as well as physical therapies.

The best topical for treating comedones is not AHA/BHA but topical tretinoin and adapalene.

Effective physical therapies include superficial chemical peeling and gentle comedone extraction.

Only for the most resistant of cases, where patients are very bothered, that low dose isotretinoin may be considered. This treatment is extremely effective but results are often seen only after several months of treatment. Its effectiveness, however, needs to be carefully weighed against its potential side effects, some of which are rather serious, especially for the treatment of just comedones which do not cause scarring in the long term.

After successful clearance, continued topical maintenance treatment will be required to prevent relapses.

Hope this helps!

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