How effective is an intragastric balloon for weight loss?

Doctor's Answer

Intragastric balloon is an effective option for weight management especially if diet and exercise alone does not work well. It involves a balloon being inserted into the stomach after a gastroscopy.

The concept is simple. The balloon being in the stomach fills up space and makes the person constantly feel full. This will send signals to the brain indicating that there is no need to consume any more food. With this reduced food intake, the number of calories absorbed in the body is less. Therefore, the raw weight will decrease.

Weight loss on average is about 10 to 15% of your total weight in 6 months ie 15 kg weight loss in a 100kg person. This method is especially effective on persons who are overweight and do not qualify for other surgical options.

It becomes even more effective and healthy if the food consumed has less sugar and fat and this healthy diet is combined with exercise. These fundamentals will continuously be re-enforced with regular appointments with the doctor

Overall, during these 6 months to 1 year there is reduced weight that is healthy and effective. Finally, due to this long duration of healthy weight loss, the added advantage is that a habit of eating small amounts, eating healthy food and regular exercise will be inculcated. With this awareness and habit building, the weight loss will continue beyond the removal of the balloon.

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