How is eczema treatment different when I am pregnant as compared to other times?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Wenus Ho
Dr Wenus Ho

Aesthetic, General Practitioner

The principles of treatment of eczema during pregnancy, is similar to the
treatment of other diseases during pregnancy, which is to minimise the use
of medications which can have an effect on the growing baby.

As such, in my practice, I assess the severity of my patient’s eczema.

For very mild cases of eczema, simple measures like using non soap-based
shower creams, regular moisturising will be helpful and it will definitely
not have any effect on the baby. A mild potency steroid such as
Hydrocortisone 0.01% or Betamethasone 0.025% can also be used to treat the

For more moderate to severe cases, other than the above regular
moisturising, stronger courses of topical steroids like betamethasone 0.1%
can be used. Topical steroids are applied on the skin, work locally on the
eczema and are generally safe during pregnancy. Once the flare is
controlled, wean off the topical steroids and just continue regular

As eczema can get quite itchy, and scratching it can worsen the flare of
eczema, I usually also give my patients some anti-histamines to reduce the
itchy sensation. I like to give a day-time non drowsy antihistamine like
cetirizine which enables my patient to continue with their daily activities
and a night-time drowsy antihistamine like Chlorphenamine which allows them
to have a better night sleep. Most antihistamines are safe for pregnancy.

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