How is fungal acne diagnosed, and what tests are performed for fungal acne?

Doctor's Answer

Fungal acne is also known as pityrosporom folliculitis. It tends to affect areas like the neck, and trunk and limbs and present with a sudden eruption of red bumps, which can look like acne. The forehead and hairline though are not common areas where you develop pityrosporum folliculitis.

An experienced doctor can often make the diagnosis clinically from the history and appearance of the rash without the need for further testing. However, both acne and pityrosporum folliculitis can often be present at the same time and this can make the diagnosis more tricky.

A skin scraping can be done to confirm the presence of fungal spores which supports a diagnosis of pityrosporum folliculitis.

If you have any concerns, do speak to your doctor/dermatologist who can advice you further on your condition.

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