How long does implantation bleeding due to pregnancy last for, and how can I differentiate this from a period bleed?

Doctor's Answer

As both types of "bleeding" can occur around your expected menstrual period, this is why some women may find it difficult to differentiate between the two. What makes matters more confusing is that women's menstrual bleeding can vary vastly.

Implantation bleeding tends to be light bleeding that lasts for 1-2 days and is usually painless or associated with mild cramp.

The blood is usually dark red signifying that it is not fresh bleeding. The typical menstrual bleeding for most women is usually bright red, can start off light before becoming heavier and lasts for between 3-7 days.

This may or may not be associated with cramp. A urine pregnancy test would show up negative if tested during the menstrual period.

In the case of implantation spotting, if the implantation is successful then the urine pregnancy test could indicate early pregnancy. If you are ever in any doubt, it is best to see your gynaecologist for a review and clarification.

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