How long does it take for vision to stabilise after ReLEx® SMILE®?

Doctor's Answer


Immediately after any kind of refractive surgery, whether PRK, LASIK, or SMILE (or ICL), vision is usually misty on the first day.

A lot of that mistiness goes away after the first day for LASIK, SMILE, (and ICL) surgeries. However, it is quite common for a little bit of residual mistiness especially in the first week, and this may show up as some difficulty in seeing very fine detail.

If all else is OK, this bit of mistiness or fluctuating vision comes down to factors such as eye dryness as well as the presence of an 'interface' or 'junction' between a 'cap' and underlying cornea (in SMILE) or a 'flap' and underlying cornea (LASIK).

The mistiness stays longest of all for PRK/epiLASIK/TransPRK patients since there is a need to wait for the surface cells to heal fully.

If it has only been a week or two since your SMILE surgery, in general you can expect further improvements. There is some variation in the recovery time, and it is possible to see improvements or some fluctuation in vision in the first month after surgery.

Do remember to check with your doctor if vision seems unusually blurred or if there are new symptoms of eye discomfort/pain/redness at any time.

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