How long does it take to recover after surgery for recurrent corneal erosions?

Doctor's Answer

There are actually several procedures used to treat recurrent corneal erosions, and which procedure is done can have some impact on the possible side effects and time to recovery.

All the procedures used will involve at least removing the affected corneal epithelium, which creates an 'epithelial defect' or 'raw area' that eventually heals.

New corneal epithelium that heals over the epithelial defect is initially 'rough' or irregular, so light is not focused so well and vision can be blurred.

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to 2-3 months for the new epithelium to establish optimum smoothness and for vision to become clear again.

I am not sure about 'haze', -if there is any, it would be best to ask the specific doctor (who mentioned it) what it is and what is the prognosis for it.

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