How long is the recovery period for ICL eye surgery?

Doctor's Answer

Patients usually recover quite quickly after Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) surgery.

From the vision point of view, vision is usually clear enough on the day following surgery to do most activities of daily living. This includes driving, reading, looking at computer screens etc.

There are some small corneal wounds from the surgery, which can take several weeks to a month to fully heal.

As such, during this time, take care to avoid splashing lots of water in the eyes. Generally, we advise against swimming and water sports during this period. Patients should not rub the eyes, and eye make up should be avoided, in general, for about 2 weeks.

The spectacle power after ICL surgery may fluctuate a bit during the early stages post-operatively. It generally stabilizes around 3-4 weeks after surgery. The final power is usually very close to what is targeted by this time.

Checkups with the eye doctor are usually on the day after surgery, 1 week later, then 1 month later. If all is well, further follow-ups can be on a yearly basis.

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