How much does it cost to see an ENT in Singapore, and can I use Medisave?

Doctor's Answer

It generally costs more to see an ENT Specialist in the private hospital compared to that in the public hospital.

The table below provides only an estimate of the range of fees charged.


Public Hospitals

Private Hospitals/Clinics

Subsidised Patient

Private Patient

First Consultation

$35 - $60

$100 - $150

$100 - $220

Follow-up Consultation

$30 - $50

$70 - $120

$80 - $150

Cost of a nasoendoscopy in Singapore (scope to look in your nose):**

Public Hospitals

Private Hospitals/Clinics

Subsidised Patient

Private Patient

First Scope

$50 - $125

$190 - $400

$290 - $500

Follow-up Scope

$20 (within the first 6 months of the first scope)*

$50 (within the first 6 months of the first scope)*

$100 - $200

*Do note that subsequent scopes after 6 months of the first scope will be charged as a “first scope”

Medisave and insurance claims to see an ENT in Singapore

This depends largely on your type of insurance, the level of coverage provided and whether there are presence of exclusions of certain medical conditions.

In general, if there is a need to undergo a nasoendoscopy (scope through the nose and throat region under local anaesthesia), the cost of the consultation, scope and medications can be medisave claimable (up to SGD 250 in most public hospital and up to SGD550 in some private ENT clinic).

A nasoendoscopy is considered a Day Surgery procedure with a Table Code of 1A.

The cost of consultation, scope, investigations and medical treatments may be insurance claimable when a nasoendoscopy is performed for patients with private medical insurance plan with a rider to cover deductables.

Some private ENT clinics offer direct billing to the insurance companies (ie no payment from the patient – often called “cashless” or “e-filing”) for patients who have undergone a nasoendoscopy in the clinic.

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