How time sensitive is starting treatment for male pattern baldness?

Doctor's Answer

The history you present could point to a combination of androgenetic alopecia (male patterned hair loss) as well as telogen effluvium related to surgical stress.

Few other questions:

1. are you on any medication or supplements?

2. have you undergone an examination by a doctor familiar with alopecia?

3. what is your age?

It is commonly thought that visual thinning starts to become noticeable when your hair mass index drops below 0.5 i.e. you’ve lost 50% of hair volume (this is a simplistic explanation and other indices guide hair restoration differently)

I recommend a thorough examination using a phototrichogram and dermatoscopy – true telogen effluvium (stress induced hair loss) will not show significant miniaturized hair shafts and affects the entire scalp uniformly.

It does sound like your hair loss is progressing quickly and the progression of AGA can be multifactorial. Seek advice from a doctor familiar with hair restoration as soon as possible to diagnose and treat the hair loss appropriately.

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